The LUSID REST API provides access to strategic investment data management capabilities for your LUSID domain.

If you haven't yet signed up for a LUSID trial and created your own domain, follow these instructions.

You can exercise the LUSID REST API directly in the same way as any RESTful API using a tool such as cURL or Postman. The most convenient way to get started might be using our API Reference sandbox.

You can exercise the LUSID REST API indirectly using these other operational interfaces. Note some are more suited to loading bulk data than others.


Every call to the LUSID REST API, whether direct or indirect, must be authorised by an API access token.

For much more on identity management and access control (IAM) in LUSID, start with this article. There's a step-by-step tutorial explaining the different mechanisms for obtaining API tokens for calls to the REST API and via the SDK.

Making your first API call

By far the simplest way to make your first API call is to use our API Reference sandbox. Authentication is handled using your credentials for the LUSID web app, so you don't have to explicitly obtain API access tokens.

For example, to list all the instruments in the LUSID Security Master:

  1. Navigate to the API Reference for the ListInstruments API:

  2. Click the Log in button to log in to your LUSID domain:

  3. When prompted, enter the root of your LUSID domain, for example:

  4. Follow the instructions to enter your LUSID web app username, password and MFA for this domain.

  5. Once logged in, optionally enter a limit in the Auth area to restrict the amount of data returned (highlighted in yellow) and then click the Send API Request button (in red):

  6. To see the results, examine the Response area underneath:

Surprised to see instruments already mastered? That's because LUSID is pre-populated with a basket of major currencies. More information.