If you haven't already, the first task is set up your own LUSID domain (environment) by starting a free trial using the LUSID web app.

Your LUSID domain:

  • Is completely private to you. You'll share cloud infrastructure with other triallists in a multi-tenant environment, with strict safeguards in place to ensure data is segregated. When you go live, you can choose to migrate to a single tenant environment. More information.

  • Does not expire (there is no timeout to the trial, although you'll be asked to change your password every six months).

  • Has a standard license. Some advanced functionality is hidden behind additional licenses, but you can explore core capabilities of LUSID and supporting application using any of these interfaces and applications.

  • Automatically creates a LUSID user for you, the domain owner, with full administrative privileges. You can onboard as many other users as you like, and restrict their access control permissions to reflect their professional responsibilities.

  • Automatically creates an application that encapsulates the credentials required (client ID and client secret) to interact with LUSID using the REST API and/or SDK. More information.

  • Can be populated with example data (portfolios, instruments and transactions) if you wish.

The LUSID web app is a no-code gateway to LUSID that you can either use as a testbed or a standalone application:

  • Simplified authentication: You can sign in with your LUSID username and password (and MFA), and don't have to worry about API access tokens.

  • Intuitive UI: If you're unaccustomed to APIs, then you can perform almost any operation in LUSID using a friendly dashboard or wizard.

  • Integration with other applications in the FBN platform: Explore LUSID and supporting applications such as Drive, Scheduler, the Workflow Service and Luminesce in one place.

Note: Every operation you perform in the LUSID web app still calls the LUSID REST API under-the-hood.