How do I create an order?

You can record the details of a request to make a new trade by creating an order for one or more instruments.

There are several ways to create an order in LUSID:

Generating orders in the Rebalance dashboard

You can generate one or more orders at a time using the Rebalance dashboard in the LUSID web app. To do so:

  1. Sign in to the LUSID web app.

  2. Navigate to Dashboards > Rebalance via the top left menu.

  3. Select a Portfolio / Group to rebalance, and either:

  4. Enter or generate target values for instruments in your preferred way, such as:

  5. Click Generate orders.

  6. Use the Generate orders pop-up screen to check and make any adjustments to your orders.

  7. Click Create to generate your orders.

If you choose to run a pre-trade compliance check on your orders, LUSID displays the results immediately:

Once generated, you can manage your orders using the Order Blotter dashboard.

Creating orders in the Order Blotter

Currently, you can create one order at a time using the Order Blotter. To do so:

  1. Sign in to the LUSID web app.

  2. Using the top left menu, navigate to Dashboards > Order Blotter.

  3. Click Create order.

  4. Follow the instructions on the Create order screen.

  5. Click Create to generate your order.

Once generated, you can:

  • Monitor and update your order; see how.

  • Run a compliance check; see how.

  • Add your order to a block, ready for placement; see how.