What is a portfolio mapping and how do I create one?

A portfolio mapping is preselected set of configuration options for a portfolio or portfolio group in the Rebalance dashboard.

You can create a portfolio mapping for a portfolio or portfolio group once and specify:

  • A valuation recipe

  • A rebalance configuration

  • A currency

  • One or more models and/or benchmarks

The Rebalance dashboard thereafter populates the mapping values automatically when a user selects that particular portfolio or portfolio group.


When you add a mapping to a portfolio group, LUSID treats the group as a single portfolio.

Setting up a portfolio mapping

To set up a portfolio mapping:

  1. Sign in to the LUSID web app and navigate to Dashboard > Rebalance via the top left menu.

  2. Select Add mapping.

  3. Specify a portfolio mapping Display Name and select the following:

    • An existing recipe. This recipe overrides any existing recipe chosen in the Rebalance dashboard.

    • A Rebalance Configuration containing rules for the portfolio or portfolio group.

    • The default (display) Currency for the portfolio or portfolio group. Note the default currency can differ from the portfolio currency.

  4. Optionally, select the corresponding headers to specify any of the following:

    • Under Model, one or more portfolio models and their weightings. Note you can select both reference and transaction portfolio types.

    • Under Benchmark, one benchmark portfolio.

    • Under Cash Equitisation, one or more portfolios and targets. See how to run cash equitisation.

    • A currency exposure Hedging Policy, Model, and Overlay.

  5. Select Save to complete your portfolio mapping.

Once saved, your Rebalance dashboard populates the relevant columns according to your selections:

Rebalancing to your portfolio mapping models

To rebalance based on your portfolio mapping models, select the desired instruments and use the control panel to generate orders as usual. See how to use the Rebalance dashboard control panel.

See a full tutorial on how to add a portfolio mapping and run a cash equitisation rebalance, from start to finish.