LUSID has a Notification Service that enables you to subscribe to the system events that LUSID and its ecosystem of applications emit, and receive notifications via multiple delivery channels when those events occur. See the list of system events.

For example, you could subscribe to a system event such as:

  • A portfolio is created, updated or deleted.

  • A scheduled job completes, fails or does not start.

  • An order is executed, and many others.

Note: You can trigger the Manual event yourself to notify people or perform actions when non-LUSID activity occurs. See how to do this.

You can subscribe to a system event:

  • Unconditionally. That is, you are always notified when the system event occurs.

  • Conditionally. So for example you could write a filter to subscribe to the ‘portfolio created’ system event only when portfolios are created in a particular scope, or with a particular name.

When a system event occurs, you can notify:

  • People via email.

  • People via SMS.

  • An AWS queue via SQS.

  • An application or service (including LUSID itself) via a webhook. So for example you could subscribe to the ‘portfolio created’ system event and call the LUSID UpsertTransactions API to automatically seed new portfolios with cash.

Providing you have appropriate permissions, you can interact with the Notification Service using the LUSID web app, via the Jobs & Scheduling > Subscription Management menu:

Alternatively, you can interact with the Notification Service programmatically:

Explanation: See the big picture

Tutorials: Get started by doing something tangible

Reference: Understand concepts and implications

How-to guides: Get something done