Providing you are a LUSID user with sufficient privileges, you can remove a notification from a subscription.

Alternatively, you can unsubscribe completely, which has the effect of deleting the subscription and all the notifications (whether email, SMSwebhook or AWS SQS) attached to it at the same time.

Using the Notification REST API

To perform either operation, first obtain an API access token:

  • To remove a notification from a subscription, call the DeleteNotification API for your LUSID domain, passing in your API access token, the scope and code of the subscription, and the id of the notification (you can find this out by calling the ListNotifications API for the subscription).

  • To unsubscribe completely, call the DeleteSubscription API for your LUSID domain, passing in your API access token and the scope and code of the subscription.

Note both these DELETE APIs return 204 No Content upon success.

Using the LUSID web app

To unsubscribe from an event completely using the LUSID web app:

  1. From the top left menu in the LUSID web app, navigate to Jobs & Scheduling > Subscription Management

  2. Select the Delete icon on the row of the event you want to unsubscribe from. Note: To remove a notification from a subscription (rather than unsubscribing completely), you must use the Notification REST API