Installing or upgrading the C# SDKs

Our C# SDKs provide convenient access to the LUSID REST API and other applications in the ecosystem in .NET 6+ environments.

Note: Supporting applications in the FINBOURNE platform (such as Drive, Scheduler and Luminesce) have their own C# SDKs.

Note the following:

  • We strongly recommend pinning a SDK to an exact version to control when you take updates and make your builds repeatable.

  • The master/main branch of a SDK may not always have the latest REST API version; there may, for example, also be v2 or v3 branches. We aim to keep master/main updated with the latest API version, but there may be some lead time while we deprecate older endpoints. Once we deprecate older API versions, the latest API version is moved to the master/main branch.

Installing the latest LUSID C# SDK

You can install v2 of the LUSID C# SDK using the following .NET command:

$ dotnet add package Lusid.Sdk

Alternatively, you can download the source from Github.

To authenticate for the first time, you must generate a client ID and secret and store them with the credentials of a valid LUSID user as either environment variables or in a secrets file. The LUSID C# SDK uses these credentials to obtain a short-lived API access token from FINBOURNE's identity provider (Okta) on demand. More information.

Documentation for SDK methods is available as a searchable package on Readthedocs.

Upgrading to v2 from an earlier version

You can upgrade from v1 to v2 of the LUSID C# SDK by using the following .NET command:

$ dotnet add package Lusid.Sdk

We recommend upgrading to this version as soon as possible to ensure you have access to the latest features.

Note that you must upgrade all SDKs used in a particular process to v2 at the same time. A process that uses both the Scheduler and Drive SDKs, for example, must either use v1 of both SDKs or v2 of both SDKs; mixing major versions will lead to dependency conflicts.

Users need to update their code to reflect the following v2 changes...

Prerequisites for v2

.NET at version 6.0 or above.

Preview SDKs

This release discontinues publishing the LUSID Preview SDK, instead adding the Experimental and Beta lifecycle APIs to a single SDK. The LUSID C# SDK now contains all the newest features; only Lusid.Sdk need be installed. Note that making requests to Experimental and Beta APIs requires additional licences; for more details please contact support.

Long-running API requests

Long-running API requests are enabled, giving users the option to extend or remove request timeout limits (previously timed out at 350 seconds). To extend the timeout on API calls, construct a configuration object and pass it into the ApiFactory, for example:

var configuration = new Configuration
    BasePath = "https://<your-domain>",
    AccessToken = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ACCESS_TOKEN"),
    Timeout = (int)TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10).TotalMilliseconds,
var client = new ApiFactory(configuration);

Name changes

The following namespaces, classes and interfaces are renamed:

  • using Lusid.Sdk.Utilities becomes using Lusid.Sdk.Extensions.

  • LusidApiFactory becomes ApiFactoryFactory.

  • ILusidApiFactory becomes IApiFactory.

Version becomes a reserved word in OpenApi Generator:

  • Sdk.Version becomes Sdk.ModelVersion.

  • Any model that implemented an Sdk.Version (now Sdk.ModelVersion) changes from Version to _Version.

Upgrading to v2.2+ of the LUSID C# SDK

You can upgrade to v2.2+ of the LUSID C# SDK by running the following .NET command, but note the upgrade includes breaking changes due to the removal of the RestSharp dependency:

$ dotnet add package Lusid.Sdk


If you are not ready to update to v2.2+, you can run the following .NET command to pin the SDK to the previous minor version (where x and y correspond to the minor and patch versions of the SDK you’re currently using):

$ dotnet add package Lusid.Sdk --version "[2.x.y,2.2)"

See the respective GitHub repositories for upgrade commands for other C# SDKs in the FINBOURNE platform.

Removal of RestSharp dependency

Version 2.2+ of the C# SDKs includes the removal of the RestSharp dependency. Methods which previously used RestSharp types have been changed to use an equivalent type in the SDK and renamed. They may also contain fewer properties or have properties with different names.

When upgrading to v2.2+, you must check for breaking changes by compiling the code. You must update any code that directly references types from the RestSharp package.

You may need to update your code:

  • If using CreateHttpMessageHandler or createRestClientFunc optional arguments in an ApiClient constructor.

  • When defining or referencing static retry configuration on RetryConfiguration or PollyApiRetryHandler.

  • In any references to the following properties which have been removed - these will fail to compile:

    • Cookies property of IApiResponse and ApiResponse

    • CookieContainer property of RestClientOptions

You can expand the following to see examples of how your code may need to change with v2.2+:

CreateHttpMessageHandler example

The following code references the CookieContainer property of RestClientOptions from the RestSharp package. v2.2 replaces this with ClientOptions, for which the CookieContainer property does not exist:

// v2.1x and below of LUSID C# SDK:

var apiClient = new ApiClient(url, CreateHttpMessageHandler: options =>
    var handler = new HttpClientHandler();
    handler.Proxy = options.Proxy;
    handler.CookieContainer = options.CookieContainer;
    return handler;

// Becomes the following in v2.2 and above of the LUSID C# SDK:

var apiClient = new ApiClient(url, CreateHttpMessageHandler: options =>
    var handler = new HttpClientHandler();
    handler.Proxy = options.Proxy;
    return handler;

createRestClientFunc example

The following references the types IRestClientWrapper, RestRequest and RestResponse.

  • RestRequest and RestResponse are types which come from the RestSharp package and have been replaced with Request and Response in the v2.2+.

  • IRestClientWrapper has been renamed to IClient and its methods have changed. RestResponse<T> WrappedExecute<T>(RestRequest request); is now Response<T> Execute<T>(Request request);.

Note this optional parameter can be used when testing, as shown below, to stub out the server.

// v2.1x and below of LUSID C# SDK:

using System.Net;
using Lusid.Sdk.Api;
using Lusid.Sdk.Client;
using Lusid.Sdk.Model;
using Moq;
using RestSharp;

namespace TestSdks;

public class BreakingChangesExamples
     public void CreateRestClientFuncExample()
         var mockClient = new Mock<IRestClientWrapper>(MockBehavior.Strict);
         var url = "http://localhost:1234";
         var portfoliosToReturn = new ResourceListOfPortfolio(new List<Portfolio>
             new Portfolio(
                 id: new ResourceId("my-scope", "my-code"),
                 displayName: "my-portfolio"
         var apiClient = new ApiClient(url, createRestClientFunc: (options, configuration) =>
             mockClient.Setup(x => x.WrappedExecute<ResourceListOfPortfolio>(
                     It.Is<RestRequest>(request => request.Resource == "/api/portfolios")))
                 .Returns(new RestResponse<ResourceListOfPortfolio>(new RestRequest())
                     Data = portfoliosToReturn,
                     StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK,
                     ResponseStatus = ResponseStatus.Completed
             return mockClient.Object;
         var apiInstance = new PortfoliosApi(apiClient, apiClient, new Configuration());
         var portfolios = apiInstance.ListPortfolios();
         Assert.That(portfolios.Values, Is.EquivalentTo(portfoliosToReturn.Values));

// Becomes the following in v2.2 and above of the LUSID C# SDK:

using System.Net;
using Lusid.Sdk.Api;
using Lusid.Sdk.Client;
using Lusid.Sdk.Model;
using Moq;

namespace TestSdks;

public class BreakingChangesExamples
     public void CreateRestClientFuncExample()
         // IRestClientWrapper has become IClient
         var mockClient = new Mock<IClient>(MockBehavior.Strict);
         var url = "http://localhost:1234";
         var portfoliosToReturn = new ResourceListOfPortfolio(new List<Portfolio>
             new Portfolio(
                 id: new ResourceId("my-scope", "my-code"),
                 displayName: "my-portfolio"
         var apiClient = new ApiClient(url, createRestClientFunc: (options, configuration) =>
             // WrappedExecute has become Execute
             mockClient.Setup(x => x.Execute<ResourceListOfPortfolio>(
                     // RestRequest has become Request
                     It.Is<Request>(request => request.Resource == "/api/portfolios")))
                 // RestResponse has become Response
                 .Returns(new Response<ResourceListOfPortfolio>(new Request())
                     Data = portfoliosToReturn,
                     StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK,
                     ResponseStatus = ResponseStatus.Completed
             return mockClient.Object;
         var apiInstance = new PortfoliosApi(apiClient, apiClient, new Configuration());
         var portfolios = apiInstance.ListPortfolios();
         Assert.That(portfolios.Values, Is.EquivalentTo(portfoliosToReturn.Values));

RetryConfiguration example

The following code defines the retry policy on the static class RetryConfiguration. It references RestResponse which comes from the RestSharp package. In v2.2+, HandleResult takes the type ResponseBase instead of RestResponse.

// v2.1x and below of LUSID C# SDK:

RetryConfiguration.RetryPolicy = Policy
    .HandleResult<RestResponse>(response => response is
        StatusCode: HttpStatusCode.BadGateway,
        ResponseStatus: ResponseStatus.TimedOut

// Becomes the following in v2.2 and above of the LUSID C# SDK:

RetryConfiguration.RetryPolicy = Policy
    .HandleResult<ResponseBase>(response => response is
        StatusCode: HttpStatusCode.BadGateway,
        ResponseStatus: ResponseStatus.TimedOut

PollyApiRetryHandler example

The following code calls a method from the static class PollyApiRetryHandler which takes a parameter of type RestResponse. In v2.2+, RestResponse is replaced with Response<T>.

// v2.1x and below of LUSID C# SDK:

var willRetry = PollyApiRetryHandler.GetPollyRetryCondition(new RestResponse
    StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.TooManyRequests

// Becomes the following in v2.2 and above of the LUSID C# SDK:

var willRetry = PollyApiRetryHandler.GetPollyRetryCondition(new Response<object>
    StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.TooManyRequests

Note: With v2.2+, it’s no longer necessary to import the RestSharp package. This version of the SDK also removes cookie handling.

New Finbourne.Sdk.Core package

In v2.2, SDKs also reference the new package Finbourne.Sdk.Core. It is not necessary to reference this package directly but you should verify that your build processes do not block it, for example if you allow-list specified package downloads.

Note: The behaviour of the SDK is largely unchanged; although the RestSharp package dependency is removed, the RestSharp client is still in use. Finbourne.Sdk.Core encapsulates a version of RestSharp forked from the v112.0.0 release.

Upgrading to v2.3+ of the LUSID C# SDK and .NET 8

If you upgrade to .NET 8+ and also to v2.3+ of the LUSID C# SDK, you must change the way in which .NET reserved words are handled.

Note: If you upgrade to .NET 8+ but keep using v2.2.x or earlier of the LUSID C# SDK, you need take no action.

In v2.2.x or earlier, a .NET reserved word must be prefixed by an _ (underscore) character to avoid conflict, for example:

public void CreateAborConfigurationExampleBefore() 
   var aborConfigResponse = CreateAborConfiguration(scope, aborConfigRequest); 

In v2.3+, a .NET reserved word must be prefixed by var instead, for example:

public void CreateAborConfigurationExampleAfter() 
   var aborConfigResponse = CreateAborConfiguration(scope, aborConfigRequest); 

Installing v1 of the LUSID C# SDK

Please note v1 of Lusid.Sdk and Lusid.Sdk.Preview is now discontinued, but if you do need to install it then two packages are published:

If you do need to install v1 of the LUSID C# SDK for any reason, note two packages are published:

  • Lusid.Sdk contains only APIs with a lifecycle status of Production or Early Access. You can install the LUSID C# SDK using the following .NET command:

    $ dotnet add package Lusid.Sdk --version "[1.*,2.0)"
  • Lusid.Sdk.Preview contains additional APIs with a lifecycle status of Experimental or Beta. You can install the LUSID C# Preview SDK using the following .NET command:

    $ dotnet add package Lusid.Sdk.Preview --version "[1.*,2.0)"