When you create a job, you have the option to pass in data at runtime in the form of command line arguments and/or environment variables.

For example, if the underlying Docker image exercises a LUSID SDK, you must pass in environment variables containing your SDK credentials. You can pass in other data, for example the scope and code of a portfolio to upload transactions to.

We recommend storing passwords, client secrets and tokens in the Configuration Store. Note that if you do not, sensitive information may appear in the Scheduler logs. You can optionally store non-sensitive parameters in the Configuration Store too, which may be more convenient if you pass the same data into multiple jobs. See how to upload information to the Configuration Store.

Once uploaded, you can configure a job to pull information from the Configuration Store using an argument value such as config://personal/00u91lo2eeX42sdse2p7/lusid-sdks/python-sdk/client-secret. See how to do this.