What are economic buckets?

LUSID automatically categorises every journal entry line it generates to represent economic activity in portfolios into a broad economic bucket such as NA_Cost or PL_RealPriceGL.

You can use the economic bucket categorisation:

  • In a posting rule to post the credit or debit amount recorded by the journal entry line to an appropriate general ledger account.

  • In a cleardown rule to post the credit or debit amount recorded by the journal entry line from a P&L account to a different account at year end.

  • In a general ledger profile mapping to enable breakdown of one, some or all general ledger accounts in a trial balance.

Economic bucket

Generated by movement types…

Journal entry line amount represents…


Transaction activity

Increasing or decreasing positions



The adjustment to the cost basis of the holding (security or cash).

When increasing a position (opening or extending a long or short position), the NA_Cost amount represents the purchase cost.

When decreasing a position (selling a long position or covering a short position), the NA_Cost amount represents the cost of the security being sold. Any amortisation is reported as PL_RealAmort. Any gain or loss after cost and amortisation is reported as PL_RealPriceGL and/or PL_RealFXGL.



When closing a position, the market component of the realised gain or loss.



When closing a position in a different currency, the currency component of the realised gain or loss.

This can only be reported in the base (or portfolio) currency.



When closing a bond position where the purchase cost differs from the face value, the amortisation amount.

The amortised cost is a combination of NA_Cost and PL_RealAmort.

Transaction-level income and expense activity



Can be used to balance the NA_Cost of a transaction representing a dividend, trading fee, commission, exchange fee or tax amount. (Alternatively, income or expense activity might be stored as a field or property on a purchase or sale transaction itself.)

Portfolio-level income and expense activity



Can be used to balance the NA_Cost of a transaction representing a subscription, redemption, deposit or withdrawal.



Can be used to balance the NA_Cost of a transaction representing a portfolio-level fee or expense.




LUSID generates a journal entry line in this economic bucket not as the result of a movement but rather as a balancing entry if other journal entry lines associated with a transaction do not themselves balance. We recommend mapping this economic bucket to an appropriate error account for early diagnosis of possible configuration problems.



LUSID generates a journal entry line in this economic bucket not as the result of a movement but rather as a rounding entry if other journal entry lines associated with a transaction have discrepencies between local and base amounts. We recommend mapping this economic bucket to an appropriate miscellaneous account.

Valuation activity (note that for every NA* journal entry line LUSID automatically generates a corresponding PL* line)


N/A. There is no transaction type (and therefore no movements) associated with valuation activity.

The amortised amount of an investment, and an equal and opposite amount for balancing a P&L account.

The local amount of a journal entry line can be audited using the Holding/Amortisation valuation metric.

For the base amount, use Holding/PortfolioAmortisation.


The change in investment value caused by the latest detected market price after amortisation, and an equal and opposite amount for balancing a P&L account.

The local amount can be audited using the ProfitAndLoss/Unrealised/Market metric; this is calculated as follows:Valuation/PV - Holding/Cost/Dom - Holding/Amortisation - Holding/VariationMargin - Valuation/Accrued

For the base amount, use ProfitAndLoss/Unrealised/Market/PortfolioCcy; this is calculated as follows:((Valuation/PV - Valuation/Accrued) * Quotes/FxRate/DomPortfolio) - Holding/Cost/Pfolio - Holding/PortfolioAmortisation - Holding/VariationMarginInPortfolioCcy - ProfitAndLoss/Unrealised/Fx/PortfolioCcy


The change in investment value caused by the latest detected exchange rate after amortisation, and an equal and opposite amount for balancing a P&L account.

This is only reported in the base (or portfolio) currency. The amount can be audited using the ProfitAndLoss/Unrealised/Fx/PortfolioCcy metric; this is calculated as follows:((Holding/Cost/Dom + Holding/Amortisation) * Quotes/FxRate/DomPortfolio) - Holding/Cost/Pfolio - Holding/PortfolioAmortisation


The change in investment value due to interest accrued, and an equal and opposite amount for balancing a P&L account.

The local amount can be audited using the Valuation/Accrued metric.

For the base amount, there isn't a unique metric, but you can perform the following calculation:Quotes/FxRate/DomPortfolio * Valuation/Accrued


The difference between the recorded cost and the trade date average cost of a cash holding in a portfolio with realised gain/loss calculated on trade date rather than settlement date.

Note LUSID automatically balances cost normalisation amounts by offsetting credits for cash holdings above the trade date average with debits for cash holdings below the average.

This is only reported in the base (or portfolio) currency. The amount can be audited using the Holding/CostNormalisation metric.