Setting up capitalised and non-capitalised trade expense treatments

When you create a fund using the LUSID web app you can choose to designate trade expenses as either Capital or Expense:

Imagine a simple scenario in which we purchase one BP share for £100 and pay broker commission of £5, for a total consideration of £105:

  • If we choose Capital, the cost of our BP position is £105 and so (ignoring all other factors) P&L is -£5.

  • If we choose Expense, the cost is £100 and P&L is £0.

Setting up LUSID for different expense treatments

There is no built-in functionality in LUSID for distinguishing between different trade expense treatments. Getting the end result you want is a product of booking transactions that incur expenses in a certain way and applying a specialised transaction type.

Booking a purchase transaction

We can call the BatchUpsertTransactions API to book the example trade for one BP share above as follows:

curl -X POST 'https://<your-domain>$batchUpsert?successMode=Partial' 
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json-patch+json'
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your-API-access-token>'
  -d '{
  "transactionRequest-1": {
    "transactionId": "Txn-001",
    "type": "BuyTradeExpenses",
    "instrumentIdentifiers": {"Instrument/default/Figi": "BBG000C05BD1"},
    "transactionDate": "2024-10-01T00:00:00.0000000+00:00",
    "settlementDate": "2023-10-03T00:00:00.0000000+00:00",
    "units": 1,
    "transactionPrice": {"price": 100, "type": "Price"},
    "totalConsideration": {"amount": 105, "currency": "GBP"},
    "properties": {
      "Transaction/MyProperties/BrokerCommission": {
        "key": "Transaction/MyProperties/BrokerCommission",
        "value": {
          "metricValue": {
            "value": 5, "unit": ""

Note the following:

  • The transaction type is BuyTradeExpenses; see this section below.

  • The number of units is 1.

  • The transactionPrice.price is 100. LUSID uses this field to automatically calculate gross consideration as total consideration before fees.

  • The totalConsideration.amount is the cost with fees included: £105.

  • A Transaction/MyProperties/BrokerCommission custom property is added to the transaction to record the cost of fees: £5.

We can call the CreatePropertyDefinition API to pre-define the Transaction/MyProperties/BrokerCommission custom property as follows:

curl -X POST 'https://<your-domain>'
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your-API-access-token>'
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json-patch+json'
  -d '{
    "domain": "Transaction",
    "scope": "MyProperties",
    "code": "BrokerCommission",
    "displayName": "Broker commission",
    "dataTypeId": {"scope": "system", "code": "number"},
    "lifeTime": "Perpetual",
    "constraintStyle": "Property",
    "propertyDescription": "Recording broker commission for transactions"

Creating a specialised transaction type

When we create a fund, LUSID stores our choice of Trade expenses using the Portfolio/default/ExpenseTreatment system property:

  • If we choose Capital, LUSID sets the value of the system property to Capitalised.

  • If we choose Expense, LUSID sets the value to NonCapitalised.

If we choose neither, LUSID does not set the system property (that is, does not add it to the portfolio).

We can use this information to create a conditional transaction type that applies different movements and thus confers a different economic impact on transactions belonging to the type:

Value of system property

Movements to apply

Explanation of movements

Capitalised or not set



  • Movement1 increases our position by the number of units and sets the cost as the total consideration.

  • Movement2 increases our position by the number of units and sets the cost as the gross consideration.

  • Movement3 records a flow of value out of the instrument equal to the cost of fees.

  • Movement4 decreases our cash position in the transaction currency by the total consideration.





We can call the SetTransactionType API to create a conditional BuyTradeExpenses transaction type in the default scope and source as follows:

curl -X PUT 'https://<your-domain>'
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json-patch+json'
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your-API-access-token>'
  -d '{
  "aliases": [
      "type": "BuyTradeExpenses",
      "description": "Conditional transaction type for different trade expense treatments",
      "transactionClass": "Longer",
      "transactionRoles": "AllRoles",
      "isDefault": false
  "movements": [
      "name": "Movement1",
      "condition": "Portfolio.Properties[Portfolio/default/ExpenseTreatment] eq 'Capitalised' or Portfolio.Properties[Portfolio/default/ExpenseTreatment] not exists",
      "movementTypes": "StockMovement",
      "side": "Side1",
      "direction": 1
      "name": "Movement2",
      "condition": "Portfolio.Properties[Portfolio/default/ExpenseTreatment] eq 'NonCapitalised'",
      "movementTypes": "StockMovement",
      "side": "Side1NonCapitalised",
      "direction": 1
      "name": "Movement3",
      "condition": "Portfolio.Properties[Portfolio/default/ExpenseTreatment] eq 'NonCapitalised'",
      "movementTypes": "Carry",
      "side": "Side1BrokerCommission",
      "direction": -1
      "name": "Movement4",
      "movementTypes": "CashCommitment",
      "side": "Side2",
      "direction": -1
  "calculations": [
      "type": "Txn:GrossConsideration"

Note the following:

  • Movement1, Movement2 and Movement3 have a condition statement and so only apply to matching transactions.

  • Movement4 has no condition and so applies to every transaction belonging to the type.

  • Movement1 and Movement4 use the built-in sides Side1 and Side2.

  • Movement2 and Movement3 use custom sides which must be pre-defined; see below.

  • The Txn:GrossConsideration calculation automatically calculates gross consideration as total consideration before fees.

Creating custom sides

We can call the SetSideDefinition API to create the custom Side1NonCapitalised and Side1BrokerCommission sides in the same default scope as the BuyTradeExpenses transaction type. Note both sides must exist before the transaction type itself is created.

Side1NonCapitalised side

Side1BrokerCommission side

curl -X PUT 'https://<your-domain>
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json-patch+json'
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your-API-access-token>'
  -d '{
  "security": "Txn:LusidInstrumentId",
  "currency": "Txn:TradeCurrency",
  "rate": "Txn:TradeToPortfolioRate",
  "units": "Txn:Units",
  "amount": "Txn:GrossConsideration"
curl -X PUT 'https://<your-domain>
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json-patch+json'
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your-API-access-token>'
  -d '{
  "security": "Txn:LusidInstrumentId",
  "currency": "Txn:TradeCurrency",
  "rate": "Txn:TradeToPortfolioRate",
  "units": "Transaction/MyProperties/BrokerCommission",
  "amount": "Transaction/MyProperties/BrokerCommission"

This is the same as Side1 except the amount field is set to Txn:GrossConsideration to apply the result of LUSID’s automatic calculation.

This is the same as Side1 except both the units and amount fields are set to the value of the Transaction/MyProperties/BrokerCommission custom property.

Comparing the impact of different expense treatments

In the examples below, we assume no price movement has occurred and the value of one BP share is still £100. We also assume the transaction, settlement and portfolio currencies are all GBP, so there is no FX gain/loss.

On holdings

Note the different cost.amount for BP:

On valuation

Note the different PnL:

On A2B reports

Note one treatment has CapGains while the other has Carry:

On journal entry lines

One treatment includes journal entry lines with a sourceType of LusidValuation while the other just has LusidTransaction:

On trial balance

Both ledgers balance but the DR and CR amounts differ: