




Data provider



Provided with LUSID

Providing you have sufficient access control permissions, the Lusid.GeneralLedgerProfile.Mapping.Writer provider enables you to write a Luminesce SQL query that sets mappings for an existing general ledger profile. See how to create a general ledger profile.

You must construct a valid table of data to write, one mapping per record. Lusid.GeneralLedgerProfile.Mapping.Writer lists the fields (columns) available to populate with values for each record, and has a set of parameters to help you construct a valid table.

Note the following:

  • Your query replaces any existing mappings in the general ledger profile. To retain existing mappings, include them in your query.

  • The order in which mappings are specified in a general ledger profile is significant; LUSID uses the first matching mapping found. You can use the MappingPriority field to set the order of mappings.

See also: Lusid.GeneralLedgerProfile.Mapping

@table_of_data = <select-statement>;
select * from Lusid.GeneralLedgerProfile.Mapping.Writer where ToWrite = @table_of_data;

Lusid.GeneralLedgerProfile.Mapping.Writer has parameters that help you construct a valid table of data to write.

Note: The ToWrite parameter is mandatory and used to actually write the table of data into LUSID.

To list available parameters, their data types, default values, and an explanation for each, run the following query using a suitable tool:

select FieldName, DataType, ParamDefaultValue, Description from Sys.Field where TableName = 'Lusid.GeneralLedgerProfile.Mapping.Writer' and FieldType = 'Parameter';

Lusid.GeneralLedgerProfile.Mapping.Writer lists the fields you can populate in your table of data to write.

The following fields are mandatory to include in the table of data:

Mandatory fields







  • For information on the syntax of MappingFilter expressions, see this article. Note each ' character encapsulating a string value must be escaped by an additional ' character in Luminesce, so for example select 'EconomicBucket startswith ''PL''' as MappingFilter

  • You can optionally populate the Level2, Level3, Level4 and Level5 fields. For information on the fields, properties and other data items available to use as levels, see this article

  • MappingPriority defaults to 0.00 but if your general ledger profile has more than one mapping you should specify a different, posItive whole number for each. Mappings with lower numbers take precedence and are evaluated earlier.

To list all available fields, their data types, whether fields are considered 'main', and an explanation for each, run the following query using a suitable tool:

select FieldName, DataType, IsMain, IsPrimaryKey, SampleValues, Description from Sys.Field where TableName = 'Lusid.GeneralLedgerProfile.Mapping.Writer' and FieldType = 'Column';

We recommend examining the results of every write query using one or more of the WriteErrorWriteErrorCode and WriteErrorDetail fields.

For each record in the table of data to write, Lusid.GeneralLedgerProfile.Mapping.Writer returns an error code. If the operation is successful, the error code is 0. If unsuccessful, a positive error code and explanation help you discover why LUSID considers the operation invalid.

Note: For more example Luminesce SQL queries, visit our Github repo.

Any existing mappings in the general ledger profile are replaced.

@data_to_write = select 'STEM' as GeneralLedgerProfileCode, 'Abor' as ChartOfAccountsScope, 'Standard' as ChartOfAccountsCode,
'GeneralLedgerAccountCode eq ''1-Investments''' as MappingFilter, 'EconomicBucket' as Level1;
select * from Lusid.GeneralLedgerProfile.Mapping.Writer where ToWrite = @data_to_write;

The MappingPriority field determines the order in which mappings are evaluated; LUSID uses the first matching mapping found. Lower numbers take precedence and are evaluated earlier.

@mappings = values
('GeneralLedgerAccountCode eq ''1-Investments''', 'Instrument.AssetClass', 'DefaultCurrency', 'EconomicBucket', 1),
('GeneralLedgerAccountCode neq ''1-Investments'' and EconomicBucket startswith ''PL''', 'Instrument.AssetClass', 'EconomicBucket', null, 2),
('True', 'Instrument.AssetClass', null, null, 3)
@data_to_write = select 'STEM' as GeneralLedgerProfileCode, 'Abor' as ChartOfAccountsScope, 'Standard' as ChartOfAccountsCode,
column1 as MappingFilter, column2 as Level1, column3 as Level2, column4 as Level3, column5 as MappingPriority from @mappings;

select * from Lusid.GeneralLedgerProfile.Mapping.Writer where ToWrite = @data_to_write;