How do I create a portfolio group?

Providing you have suitable access control permissions, you can create a portfolio group to act as a container for a set of related portfolios. 

You can nest portfolios and/or sub-groups at the same time as you create the portfolio group, or subsequently.


See also this Jupyter Notebook for more examples using the Python SDK.

  1. Obtain an API access token.

  2. Call the LUSID CreatePortfolioGroup API for your LUSID domain, specifying a scope in the URL and, in the body of the request:

    • A displayName.

    • A code that is unique within the scope.

    • Optionally in the values collection, the scope and code of one or more transaction, derived transaction or reference portfolios held directly within the portfolio group. Alternatively, you can perform this operation afterwards using the AddPortfolioToGroup API.

    • Optionally in the subGroups collection, the scope and code of one or more portfolio groups held as sub-groups. You can nest portfolio groups up to five levels deep. Alternatively, you can perform this operation afterwards using the AddSubGroupToGroup API.

    • Optionally in the properties collection, one or more custom properties from the PortfolioGroup domain to extend the data model.

For example, to create a portfolio group with a scope of Ibor (in the URL) and code of Global (in the body) that contains two nested portfolios and one sub-group:

curl -X POST 'https://<your-domain>'
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json-patch+json'
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your-API-access-token>'
  -d '{
  "code": "Global",
  "created": "2023-07-03T00:00:00.0000000+00:00",
  "values": [
      "scope": "Finbourne-Examples",
      "code": "UK-Benchmark"
      "scope": "Finbourne-Examples",
      "code": "UK-Equities"
  "subGroups": [
      "scope": "Finbourne-Examples",
      "code": "Finbourne-Examples-Fund"
  "properties": {},
  "displayName": "Global portfolio group",
  "description": "A portfolio group representing global operations"

Using the LUSID web app

  1. Sign in to the LUSID web app using the credentials of a LUSID administrator.

  2. From the top left menu, select Data Management > Groups.

  3. Click the Create group button (top right) and fill out the screen: