Horizon: JPMorgan IMOS leverages FINBOURNE's partnership with JPMorgan to enable seamless integration of Investment Middle Office Service data with your LUSID domain.
To subscribe to Horizon: JPMorgan IMOS:
Contact your FINBOURNE sales representative to provision your LUSID domain with Horizon: JPMorgan IMOS.
Ensure you have access to a JPMorgan IMOS account with data that can be pushed to LUSID via SFTP.
Enable the Horizon file transfer schedule. Note the schedule only needs to be enabled once for all integrations.
Once subscribed, Horizon: JPMorgan IMOS provisions your domain with an orchestrator which you simply need to configure on Day 1 to deliver and load data into your LUSID domain for each of the following data types:
Instruments (from JPM Valued Holdings)
Holdings (from JPM Valued Holdings)
Quotes (Pricing and FX Rates from JPM Valued Holdings)
Transactions (from JPM Transactions)
See how to configure Horizon: JPMorgan IMOS to import the data you want.
Table of contents
Configuring Horizon: JPMorgan IMOS to import instruments, holdings, transactions and pricing data
Monitoring Horizon: JPMorgan IMOS job runs and troubleshooting failures