Providing you have sufficient access control permissions, you can upload the following kinds of configuration information to the Configuration Store:

  • Secrets in obfuscated form. For example, you could store your password for a service such as JIRA or Slack. A secret cannot be revealed by anyone other than you, not even a Configuration Store administrator. A secret must be a string no longer than 2MB.

    • You can use the Block Reveal option to prevent a secret being revealed to any user, including you, once it has been saved.

  • Parameters in plain text. For example, you could store a list of email addresses or a JSON document. A parameter must be a string no longer than 2MB.

You can designate any item as a secret, providing it adheres to the 2MB limit. For example, you could store the list of email addresses above as a secret if you did not want Configuration Store administrators to be able to reveal this information.