In order to simplify the usage of LUSID in a global scenario (with times across multiple timezones), LUSID allows you to pre-configure "cut labels" which can then be used in place of timestamps.

Cut labels allow clients to specify a timestamp to the LUSID APIs using a previously defined user-readable name. A cut label can be used wherever an effectiveAt is supplied to LUSID, i.e. in both queries and upsert requests.


A cut label is defined as

  • A named timezone, and

  • A specific local time in that timezone (expressed in hours and minutes).


Cut labels can be used in place of dates in calls to LUSID.

The standard date formats that LUSID expects are documented here. To use a cut label instead, simply replace the T separator with N, and replace the time component with the cut label.

For example:

  • 2018-08-31T07:36:53.523415Z = Standard UTC timestamp

  • 2018-08-31T07:36:53.523415+01:00 = UTC offset time

  • 2018-08-31NSingaporeClose = Using the cut label identified with the code "SingaporeClose" and the local date of 31st August 2018


You can create and manage cut labels using APIs in the CutLabelDefinition collection. For a fully-worked example of using cut labels to compare relative transaction times in Singapore, New York and London, see this Jupyter Notebook.

You can also create and manage cut label definitions from the System Settings > Cut Labels dashboard in the LUSID web app: