LUSID has embedded BI tools that build on Luminesce, our data virtualization engine, to enable you to create dashboards and reports that further aid in understanding your data.
We’ve partnered with PanIntelligence to provide an interactive reporting dashboard within the LUSID web app.
See how to create and edit embedded BI tool dashboards.
Viewing an embedded BI dashboard
To get started, sign in to the LUSID web app and navigate from the left hand menu to Reporting > Dashboards.
The table displays all the dashboards that are currently available to you. You can click on each Dashboard Name to view and interact with the dashboard.
If a dashboard is missing, check the dashboard creator in your organisation has shared the dashboard.
Interacting with embedded BI chart tools
You can click on the Chart Tools icon to customise, filter, or export a chart:
Some Chart Tools options, such as splitting the screen, are only available to the dashboard creator. Read more.
Applying a filter
You can add a temporary filter to a chart via Chart Tools. To do so, select the Filter icon and specify the parameters and values to filter by:
For example, to filter the chart above to only show instruments in a particular portfolio as well as filter out currency instruments, you might specify the following:
Read more about filtering with Luminesce SQL syntax.
Exporting a chart
You can export your chart as a PDF, PowerPoint file, and more via Chart Tools. To do so, select the relevant Export to… icon: