Providing you have suitable access control permissions, you can add a multi-value property to most types of entity. See how to add a single-value property.

For example, you could add a Portfolio/Manager/Name property to a portfolio to record the names of all its managers:

Once added, you can update a multi-value property at any time. If you no longer need a multi-value property, you can delete it.


Each entity type adheres to a specific methodology for adding multi-value properties to entities:

  • If an entity type has an Upsert* API (for example UpsertInstruments), you can add multi-value properties when you create or update entities (that is, at any time). There may be a dedicated property API that you can use independently if you want, for example UpsertInstrumentProperties.

  • If an entity type has a Create* API (for example CreatePortfolio), you can add multi-value properties when you create entities. Subsequently, you must use a dedicated property API, for example UpsertPortfolioProperties.

For example, to add a multi-value Portfolio/Manager/Name property to a transaction portfolio when you create that portfolio:

  1. Obtain an API access token.

  2. Call the CreatePortfolio API for your LUSID domain, passing in your API access token and appending a property to the properties collection:

    • key must be a 3-stage property key in the Portfolio domain.

    • value must be a labelValueSet object consisting of a values collection with a comma-separated list of string values. If the underlying property type has:

      • collectionType of Set, values are unordered and must be unique.

      • A collectionType of Array, values are ordered and can be duplicated. More information.

    • effectiveFrom is nominally optional but for a time-variant multi-value property sets the 'start date' for all the values; it must a valid date:

    curl -X POST "https://<your-domain>"
    -H "Authorization: Bearer <your-API-access-token>"
    -H "Content-Type: application/json"
    -d '{
      "displayName": "Portfolio UK",
      "code": "PortfolioUK",
      "baseCurrency": "GBP",
      "properties": {
        "Portfolio/Manager/Name": {
          "key": "Portfolio/Manager/Name",
          "value": {
            "labelValueSet": {
              "values": [
                "Joe Bloggs",            
                "Jane Doe",
                "Matt Smith"
          "effectiveFrom": "2022-06-18T09:00:00.0000000+00:00" 

Using the LUSID web app

You can use the LUSID web app to add a multi-value property to an entity.

For example, to add a multi-value Portfolio/Manager/Name property to a transaction portfolio:

  1. Sign in to the LUSID web app.

  2. Use the left-hand menu to navigate to Data Management > Portfolios:

  3. Select Edit on the portfolio you want to add the property to:

  4. Select Add property and choose one or more properties to add to the portfolio:

  5. Provide line-separated values for the property and save your changes: