You can specify a correlation ID when you make a set of LUSID API calls.

LUSID automatically records the correlation ID in the logs for those API calls, so you can use Insights (LUSID's built-in troubleshooting and audit application) to quickly track and group (that is, correlate) all the API calls made during a particular session. This might be useful to understand which call in a set was causing a performance lag, for example.

Note: The correlation ID is set as a header in the HTTP request. The correlation ID value can consist of up to 256 case-insensitive alphanumeric characters, and also the following:  - _ . # :

Using the REST API

To specify a correlation ID when calling the REST API directly, set a request header explicitly each time:

$ curl -X GET https://<your-domain> -H "CorrelationId: track-this-in-the-logs" -H "Authorization: Bearer <your-API-access-token>"
$ curl -X POST https://<your-domain>$get?identifierType=Figi -H "CorrelationId: track-this-in-the-logs" -H "Authorization: Bearer <your-API-access-token>" -d "[ \"BBG000PG2GZ0\",]"

Using the Python SDK

To specify a correlation ID when using the Python SDK, pass a suitable value in as a parameter when you create an ApiClientFactory object:

import lusid

# Perform standard authentication using ApiClientFactory
secrets_file_path = "secrets.json"
config = ApiConfigurationLoader.load(secrets_file_path)
api_factory = lusid.utilities.ApiClientFactory(

# Build the instruments API
instruments_api =

# Call the ListInstruments API endpoint to list instruments

# Call the GetInstruments API endpoint to retrieve a particular instrument
instruments_api.get_instruments('Figi', ['BBG000PG2GZ0'])

Tracking and grouping API calls using Insights

  1. Sign in to the LUSID web app using the credentials of a LUSID administrator.

  2. Navigate to the Insights > Request Logs dashboard.

  3. Enter your correlation ID in the Correlation Requests column to correlate API calls (you may need to reorder columns in this dashboard to see them as they are here):