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A holding ID is an identifier for a holding in a transaction portfolio that is:

  • Unique across portfolios. For example, a Microsoft holding in a portfolio does not share an ID with any other holding in a different portfolio, even another Microsoft holding.
  • Unique across sub-holding keys (SHKs) in a portfolio. For example, a Microsoft holding tagged by one SHK does not share an ID with a Microsoft holding tagged by a different SHK.
  • Shared across tax lots in a portfolio. For example, a Microsoft holding purchased in one tax lot does share an ID with a Microsoft holding purchased in a different tax lot.
  • Shared across unsettled and settled cash holdings in a portfolio. For example, a temporary USD balance of holding type A does share an ID with a settled USD balance of holding type B.

Consider a portfolio with a tax lot accounting method of FirstInFirstOut and a SHK that divides holdings into Growth and Income strategies. The following transactions are recorded for that portfolio:

Transaction typeInstrumentCurrencyTrade dateSettlement dateUnitsTotal considerationStrategyNotes
FundsInUSDUSD1 July 20233 July 20231500015000Income 
BuyBPGBP2 July 20234 July 2023500-5000Growth 
BuyMicrosoftUSD3 July 20235 July 2023300-3000IncomeTax lot #1
BuyMicrosoftUSD4 July 20236 July 2023100-1100IncomeTax lot #2
DividendMicrosoftUSD5 July 20237 July 2023400 40Income10% of units held

Calling the GetHoldings API on 6 July 2023 returns the following five holdings. Note the ID of the settled USD balance and the unsettled accrual for the cash dividend transaction is the same:


Calling the GetHoldings API with byTaxlots set to True for 6 July 2023 returns the following six holdings. Note the ID of Microsoft in different tax lots is the same:

You can call the GetHoldingContributors API with a particular holding ID to audit the transactions that have contributed to that position. For example, the following three transactions contributed to the Microsoft holding with ID 67940167:

The following four transactions contributed to the USD holding with ID 67940164:
