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LUSID is transitioning to a model where it automatically emits lifecycle events for certain instruments, enabling you to handle those events in a seamless and consistent manner.

Note: You must contact us to enable this feature in your environment. It is disabled by default to prevent lifecycle events impacting existing portfolios in an uncontrolled manner.

For example, LUSID emits a bond coupon event each time a coupon is due. No user input is required, providing you have mastered the instrument as type Bond in the LUSID Security Master. In addition, we provide:

  • A default bond coupon transaction template that automatically generates a transaction for the coupon amount.
  • Recommendations for a bond coupon transaction type that confer a typical economic impact for a transaction representing a bond coupon.

You can use the default transaction template for bond coupon events, or create your own. You can configure the transaction type to have any economic impact you like.

When you enable this feature in your LUSID environment, for each portfolio with a holding in the bond instrument, LUSID automatically: 

  1. Generates an output transaction scaled to your holding in that portfolio, and enriched with extra information such as gain/loss or a tax calculation.
  2. Implements the economic impact prescribed by the transaction type, for example adding the coupon amount to a particular cash balance.

Recommended readingHandling bond coupon, principal and maturity events.

The following lifecycle events are available or planned. For more information, start by calling the GetTransactionTemplateSpecification API for that event.

LUSID instrument typeLifecycle event(s)Transaction type(s) mandated by default transaction template *NotesStatus
BondBondCouponEventBondCoupon. See an example.To handle a bond default and terminate lifecycle events, load a BondDefaultEvent corporate action. More information coming soon.Available
BondPrincipalEventBondPrincipal. See an example.
MaturityEventMaturity. See an example.
ExchangeTradedOptionExpiryEventExpiry Available
  • Deliverable: FxForwardDomPrincipal and FxForwardFgnPrincipal
  • NDF: NdfSettlement
FxForwardSettlementEventFxForwardPrincipal Available

* If you use the default transaction template for an event you must ensure this transaction type exists in the default scope and source. You can nominate a different transaction type, perhaps in another scope and source, by creating your own custom transaction template instead.